Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Even more lessons!

Even though we're back from our "trip" to Disney World there are still many lessons that we can learn from our trip. Many of you are still finishing up your webquest assignments so I will only give you a small lesson to complete.

Imagine you are an advertiser for Disney. You must design a billboard that will attract people and will make them want to take a trip to Disney World. Your billboard will need:
A picture of what you are advertising (a specific ride, activity, restaurant, etc from Disney)
What the picture is of
A short catchy sentence "selling" what you are advertising. This sentence should not be very long and it should be written in a funny, creative, and catchy way. For example DO NOT write: this ride is really fun. Write a sentence that will get people's attention and will make them want to go to Disney.
This link will take you to a website where you will design and create your billboard. First you must decide what you want to advertise. Then you must find a clear picture of it and upload it to the site. Decide which billboard background you want. Then type in your words making sure that they are visible. Use my example above if you need some help or ideas...but don't steal mine!

Please print them out or email them to me.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Voice threads

One last step in our 'Day at Disney' stories is going to be making a Voicethread of your story. Making a Voicethread will almost be like making a book for your story because it includes pictures and voice.

First you will need to create an account on Voicethread so you can save your work. Please do this before coming to class. Then for each event or major part of your story you will need to find a picture that you think best describes what you wrote about and upload it to your account. Next you will record yourself reading the part of your story that goes with each picture. Make sure before you start recording that all of your pictures are in order and you know when to stop talking to change pictures.

Here is a sample Voicethread that I did for you to see. If it seems like it's going to be hard to you don't worry! I will show you in class exactly what you need to do and you will have it done in no time!

Story Maps

A story map is designed to help you organize your thoughts with pictures before you write a story. Story maps are basically webs with pictures connecting all of the different ideas or topics. To help you out on your 'Day in Disney' stories we are going to be making story maps first before you begin writing. This way when you begin your story the story map will act as a guide helping you remember what events you want to write about and in what order they happened in.

To being first look at your time sheets from the 'trip' and make a star next to the events that are the most interesting that someone would want to read about in a story. For example I would like to read about the different rides you went on but I would not want to read a lot about you sleeping or walking. When you look at these events make a note if they are fun (rides, parades), necessity (eating, sleeping) or transportation (flying, walking, bus ride) because we are going to be labeling these on the story map. I will show you an example in class of a story map I did.

Please come to class with these events selected because we are going to start right on the Inspiration software that allows us to create story maps. I will teach you how to use the software and make a map in class.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Web Quest!

Okay here it is! Here is our webquest....we're going to Disney!!

We will be going over the various assignments in class and how to do them so don't panic! Just read through the webquest, look at the links, and get excited!!

Why is Disney World so great?

So many people travel to Disney World each year. Why do they spend the money and time to go there?

-It's been called the most magical place on earth. Things such as Cinderella's Castle make it seem like you're in a fairy tale
-There's so many things to do with all different kinds of rides, waterparks, shows, places to eat, things to see, shows, parades
-There's always something new to see
-The park is so big it takes 4-5 days to see everything so you will never be bored or run out of things to do
-Children love to see their favorite Disney movie characters there and take pictures with them
-Good places to eat at
-Luxurious hotels

From what you know about Walt Disney World so far why would you want to go? If you've already been there what makes you want to go back again?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

A little bit of history about Walt Disney and Disney World

Who was Walt Disney?
Below is a link to a website with a biography of Walt Disney. Please read through it the best you can and see if you can find the answers to these questions about him. Please write them on a piece of notebook paper to be handed in on Monday.
What is Walt Disney's birthday?
Where was he born?
How many brothers and sisters did he have?
What was his early interest?
What did he do after he came home from France?
What was Flowers and Trees?
How much did Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs cost?

The next link will take you to an article about the history of Walt Disney World. See if you can find the answers to these questions also.
Did Walt Disney ever get to see Disney World?
What is the name of the other park that Walt Disney invented?
What day did Disney World open?
Name 2 facilities that were added to the park

Disney World!!

For this month we are going to be exploring Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida! Can you find Florida on the map of the United States?

To the left is a picture of Florida. Could you pick it out on the big map? On the picture of Florida there is an indicator telling us where Disney World is located in Florida. By looking at thte big map and seeing where we are in New Jersey do you think it's going to take a long time to get to Florida? How long? What do you think is the quickest and best way to get there? By looking at where Florida is located on the map do you think it's going to be warmer or colder there than it is here in New Jersey?

Please respond to these questions on a sheet of notebook paper to be turned in tomorrow for a homework grade.